Many landscape photographers are obsessed with trees. 

I know I am.

Millions and millions of trees surround most of us.  They all seem the same, but my personal quest is to discover ones that stand out from the rest and create art out of them.

When I drive down the highway, my head shifts back and forth. 

I scan the land to find the perfect tree.

Every once and awhile, my radar hits a blip.  This means I can either stop the car or note it and take another look at it on the return back from the other direction.  Since I have my family with me, quite honestly, it's almost always the latter.  I try not to annoy them with as few sudden stops as possible.

This tree was a big blip and I knew I had to stop on the way matter what.

Well, on the way back, it was absolutely frigid as only Minnesota can get.  I ran out of the car to face the frozen air and got my magestic tree.

No doubt, it looks much more interesting without its leaves (I've analyzed all seasons), so the cold was worth it.

I added some texture and color for more of a zen sensation. 

Perhaps you need a majestic tree for your room?
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