I stood ten floors overlooking the Pacific in San Diego taking in the sounds of the crashing waves as the ambient light gained strength from the rising sun behind me.
I noticed this tiny solo surfer.

He was up early.
He was determined.
He told me his story.

His story was comprised of many cliches chained together endlessly like the waves coming in.

The early bird gets the worm.
Actions speak louder than words.
There's no time like the present.
Good things come to those that wait.
The world is your oyster.

The last cliche then became quite obvious.

Everything happens for a reason.

There was a reason I was staying here in this place, and there was a reason he was surfing just below me.
It was so I could tell his full story visually as a series of three images.

Whether you like cliches or not, these things we hear often do ring true, and this was the visual proof.

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