Every once in awhile,  I will be stunned at what my camera is able to capture. 

Sure, the shot is set up and I take tremendous pride in that, but sometimes luck is required.

As I was watching the sun lower to the ocean horizon in San Diego, I was captivated by a tiny droplet of water that would hit the water every 15-20 seconds. I believe the pool of water originated from when the tide was high and slowly drained, one droplet at a time and it was almost completely dry.

I did not have a tripod, so I kneeled down, like a statue, attempting to sync my camera trigger with the impact of the water droplet.  
After numerous tries and adjustments with camera settings, I framed the shot.

Suddenly a mother and daughter stepped into the frame without even knowing I was there. 

Another few seconds passed and soon a bird flew by---




The water droplet impacts the water just as the bird flies by in a perfect pose, while the mother and child watch the beautiful sunset.

I just wish I could give this picture to that mother.  What a moment.

This is the millisecond moment that could never be captured again.  It is the precise moment that propels my immense passion for photography.
This is the moment that makes me also believe Thomas Jefferson's famous words: 

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

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