I could feel Betty's smile from across the room where I was sitting on a comfy couch waiting for her to finish up her meeting.

We already had a couple of phone conversations about sprucing up her walls.  [She heads up a senior living facility where imagery is paramount for its residents.]  I was excited to help. 

Betty and I greeted each other and I could tell from the first few minutes that she and I were on the exact same page.  

We just clicked.  

She had a similar vision for her space, and we talked briefly about different artwork for the space.

I was still beaming from the shots I captured on my way to my reunion from a week prior.  They were still sitting in my hard drive, untouched, so I could not show her.  I knew a few in particular would be absolutely perfect for the space.

"I can't wait to show you some shots I just took.  There was this..."

I bit my lip.  I paused.

She gave me a puzzled look.

"I'm not even going to tell you, Betty.  I'm going to show you.  When I get them processed, you'll be the first to see them."

She smiled because she knew that words might not be the best way to convey the imagery I had in mind.

You see, she loves imagery too, and she told me about her obsession of scenes, light, and moments.  Just like mine.  She said she always wished she pursued photography.

"It's never too late." I said confidently.

"Do you ever drive North?" she asked.


(I just did last weekend for the reunion. I couldn't wait to show her those barn pictures.)

She continued, "When you're driving north, when you look to the west there's this......"

It was like s-------------l-----------------o-----------------w motion.

Barn.  Say barn!  I just had a feeling she was going to say "barn."

She painted the scene with her words, "....there's this interesting structure.  I always stare at it everytime I drive by."

The shivers started creeping up my toes. 

"You mean the barn?!"

My excitement interrupted her.  I couldn't contain my excitement and intrigue.  I must have had quite a smirk.

The shivers made their way to my legs and arms.

Her thoughts stalled out and her eyes opened widely as I could see the vivid scene she was describing right through them. 

She could barely finish.
"Yes...that barn with the exposed walls."

The shivers pulsed through me now like an earthquake.

"I just captured that scene just this past weekend, Betty!  That's what I was going to tell you about before I stopped myself!"

"Kyle!  Oh my gosh, I just got goosebumps!" She smiled.

Me too, Betty.  Goosebumps everywhere.  

In a split second, we both knew the exact picture that would adorn their entrance wall where I sat just a few short minutes ago.  

No more words needed to be exchanged.
It was a rare, powerful moment. 

The precise image that resided in both of our minds was the same visual language that spoke to both of us.

A serendipitous moment like that happens so rarely, and I'll always remember that project with Betty.  That picture will always remind me of her.

Only if all art had a backstory like this one.
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