Details can be deliberate or a happy accident.

I think one of the things I love most about photographic art is that it is possible to embed tiny details in a larger image or scene.   Sure, part of a photographer’s job is to find a detail not otherwise seen and make it a prominent subject in an artwork.  Other times, however, it is interesting to keep those details small, so that you must really explore the image to find them.

These elements can be found when carefully studying an image.   Mostly, they become visible when viewing a huge oversized artwork where everything is on display, and that’s why I love printing big.  Unfortunately, many of these details aren’t noticed when you look at my gallery images on a phone, laptop, or even a desktop.   

The best part is when I disover details that I didn't even see when taking a picture.  It's like opening a present.

Sunrise on Pier Artwork
I was so focused on looking out into the scene that I didn't notice the crab hanging out on the edge until I began post-processing the image.
Way out on the horizon you see a ship which definitely gives the image depth and scale.
The symmetry and illusion forces your eye down the corridor to discover a tiny little boat.
My eye was drawn to the leaves as they dropped into the water forming intricate ripples.
Look at the edge and you'll see companions. A bird on top and a woman sitting, looking out into the ocean.
A man stood there like a statue and I don't believe the picture would be the same without him.
There are many details to explore in this image including a man kayaking in the distance.
Bora Bora Picture
See the person relaxing? I didn't until I finished the image.
Underwater Fish Artwork
The wave was in just the right spot when I snapped this to seemingly reveal birds walking on water. (They were on rocks that are concealed by the wave.)
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