I recently posted a photo on Facebook that stirred up quite a few questions and conversations. 

I must admit, I enjoy being ambiguous with my posts sometimes.  I thought I'd clear the air.  Or should I say clear the water.

Having a swim with sharks is not something most of us are accustomed to seeing or experiencing.  I was lucky enough to have the opportunity, and I brought my camera of course.

When I posted the photo, I simply said:

"Sometimes things aren't as they seem..." 

When you look at the photo, you think I probably mean that even though we are swimming in a group having fun, something dangerous could be lurking.  In life, perhaps an experience that seems fun and innocent can be risky, maybe even deadly.  

That's what you thought I meant, right?

Not exactly.  In fact, what I meant was the opposite.  When you see the sharks lurking below, your natural extinct conjures fear.  The thing is though, these lemon sharks are quite tame and friendly, and they didn't care about us swimming above.  The experience and the creatures beneath were amazingly peaceful.

Some things aren't as they seem.  

When you see something, your first impression could be inaccurate. 

And, quite frankly, your first impression is the thing that could be deadly.

People Swim With Sharks
Que the theme music for Jaws.
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