As long as you continue to search, you will always find unexpected surprises.

Photography and art is really an interesting thing because the ingredients for success in it imitates life.  Whether it's asking yourself, "what if I don't," experimenting without being afraid of mistakes, or making lemonade, I love that what I do as a living and as a craft helps me live a better, more meaningful life.

Photography has a way of rewarding you for searching.  When I'm looking for capturing something I'm visualizing in my mind, it always seems inevitable that something else appears.  I believe it is the intention of consciously searching which brings this out.

There have been many times where what I find is better than what I visualized.  This reward system in photography keeps me going.  It compels me to search more places more often.

The thing is, I think many of us lose sight of the search.  We may even doubt we'll find what we are looking for.  Perhaps that gives us an excuse to give up.  Since photography demands the search, this notion sort of spills into other aspects of my life.  I think the kicker is that I'm most successful in finding when I realize I am searching.  It's sort of that top-of-mind awareness that sets it in full motion.

Sure, we can meander through life keeping an eye out, but unless we have a goal of what we ultimately want to find, we may not consciously recognize how a seemingly random discovery fits in to the entire puzzle.

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